Description | A slender face, bright eyes, and thin lips. This is the
visage of the young man you look upon. He is well tanned from years at sea,
and his pitch black hair hangs long down his back starting from a topknot at
the crown of his head. He can not be more than a quarter of a century old, and
his beardless face confirms this. He wears the clothing of a sailor. A white silken shirt runs the length of his torso, folded and cleaned like new. Over this he bares a green and gold vest, the gold edging rippling like ocean waves. Brass buttons woud keep the vest closed if they were ever used by Yokuan. Matching bracers, green and gold, run up from his second knuckles to his elbow fanning out beyond like ship sails. These rawhide covered greaves bare the marks of the Akarian Navy, marking him as a Lieutenant. Black pants are what his shirt is tucked into, a white and green sash-like belt holding them up. Tucked into the belt is a small pouch, and what looks like a belaying pin off a ship. Over his back he carries along blade, leather straps criss-cross his chest to keep it there securely. The sheath and pommel are blue and white, and contrast the rest of his attire. The cross piece of the blade is a circular disc with the form of a heron carved into it. He wears a sling and bandage around his shoulder, and one around his torso. With a gait he moves slower than before, but his wounds are healing. |
Background | Born the son of Mukami Bampo in the city of Tenigul. He has known nothing of life except for what he was taught in the greatest of cities. History, and legends have always intrested him, and so many an evening he spent in the family library reading. Learning of the families troubles in Hirratak, and of the treatment they recieved by the Hida he desired to seek revenge on his family's behalf. Never were the Bampo allowed to join the Pearl Sail, the treasure of the Hida. This alone drove him to join the Akarian Navy, so that one day he might sink the Hida Navy. He has risen up the ranks in the Akarian Navy, prejudice again the Bampo has slowed his climb, yet one day he will command his own ship. |
Rumors | They say that The Bitter Flower, the ship which Yokuan sails on has returned to port for repairs. A hard won fight with several Wuzzashi Pirate ships is the reason behind the extended dry dock. He has recieved shore leave until the repairs are fixed. |